
Monday, September 9, 2013

First NPC Bikini Competition

A few months ago I decided to compete in a NPC bikini competition (NPC website). An acquaintance mentioned she was going to compete, so I thought I would give it a go on a whim. Little did I realize what a huge undertaking it would turn into. For the first few months, I started going to the gym to lift weights and cleaned up my diet a little bit. I generally eat pretty healthy, so I cut back on a few things here and there. The first competition I signed up for was in June, but I ended up bailing on it because I was not ready, so I signed up for the Warrior Classic competition in August. About 5 weeks before the competition I made the decision to work with a trainer. Enter the Claibornes- Ann and Tony are hardcore competitors in men's bodybuilding and women's figure divisions. They both have medical backgrounds and have trained numerous athletes for competitions with a great success rate. I quickly realized that my current routine was not cutting it- they completely changed my diet and tweaked my workouts. I also worked with them on posing. I had no idea how hard learning to walk and pose would be- the movements look completely normal on stage, but your body is contorted in crazy ways. This whole process was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It took an incredible amount of self-discipline to stick to the diet and workout regimen. But I did it and it paid off! I registered for the Novice Bikini Class A division and ended up winning first place! Novice basically means you're a first-timer or you've never placed in a previous competition and Class A is a height class (A=short). Now that I've placed, I can only register for the Open division...If I decide to do this again. People say you get addicted, but I don't think that's the case for me. It was a great experience, but not something I plan to make a regular hobby. Many factors played into making it happen- working from home for a few months, Craig being on terminal leave to help me with diet prep, Laney and general house upkeep. I would never be able to keep up with the diet or workouts if I was on my usual work travel schedule. I'm glad I didn't give up (even though I wanted to many times) and I'm so proud of this accomplishment. Here are a few pics from the day of the competition:

Working the catwalk
A little spray tan and stage makeup does the body good :)
The trophy- I have no idea where I'm going to put it
Craig was soooo supportive throughout this whole process! I couldn't have done it without him. Love this guy.
Celebratory cupcake(s)!!! I think ate about 6 cupcakes throughout the weekend post-competition.
One of my amazing trainers, Ann Claiborne
Also super thankful for my super supportive friends. I received cupcakes, a care package filled with goodies and amazing gourmet cookies to enjoy after the competition was done. I ate everything in sight for a few days post-competition and it was amazing.

I now have a whole new appreciation for individuals that decide to pursue this hobby. It takes an amazing amount of self-discipline and hard work. Even though I don't plan on doing more competitions (I may change my mind), I definitely plan on continuing the workouts and eating clean with a few treats mixed in. Moderation is key :)

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