

Who: Craig and Jade Miller...and Laney

What: Got married!

Where: Lehigh University, Packer Chapel in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

When: December 18, 2011

Why: Because we're best friends and love each other. Craig and I have known each other since the fall of 1998 and started dating in the spring of 2002. I was a senior and he was a sophomore in high school. After 9 years of the ups and downs of dating in your late teens/early twenties...we finally made it to the alter! Fast forward to present day- We are currently living in Sinking Springs, PA. Craig is a Risk Analyst for Godiva Chocolates and I'm a healthcare consultant for PwC. And if life isn't crazy enough, we decided to add a dog into the mix- our crazy puppy Laney...part dog and part weirdo (she has a lot of personality). 

We decided to write this little blog to document our lives and to share our pictures/experiences with family and friends.

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy making it happen!

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