
Friday, September 14, 2012

Megan's Visit

Last weekend we had our first visitor stay in our newly furnished guest room....the luck person was my best friend, Megan! Craig and I were so excited to finally have someone use the guest room!

Megan at the top of Pikes Peak enjoying a high elevation doughnut
Megan and I have been best friends since the summer of 1995. At the time my family lived in San Diego, California and Megan's family moved into the house across the street. It's hard to believe we only lived in the same town for two years, but we were inseparable! Friends of Megan's parents used to think I was there adopted daughter.
I moved out of the neighborhood first, but over the next 15 years we managed to stay in touch over letters, phone calls, visits, instant messaging and emails! Megan currently lives in Dallas, TX, but recently spent the last 7 months traveling around Asia, the South Pacific and Australia! I missed her a ton while she was away, but thanks to technology we were able to talk almost everyday through Google Chat. I'm so glad we've been able to maintain our friendship over the years.
We had a great time playing tourist all over Colorado Springs! We visited the Olympic Training Center, Pikes Peak, Manitou Springs, the Cliff Dwellings, Garden of the Gods and downtown Colorado Springs. It was so nice to spend quality time with each other and catch up.

Olympic Training Center

Having fun with the statues

On our way to Pikes Peak

Reading facts

Love those doughnuts!

I look way too excited

View from the top

Manitou Cliff Dwellings...apparently they were very short people because all the doors and ceilings were very low...I would've fit right in!

Cliff dwellings

Taking a picture of Megan taking a picture at Garden of the Gods
Her four day visit was way too short and I can't wait to see her again! I truly cherish our friendship and feel blessed that we've been able to stay so close. Hopefully we'll be able to visit her in Texas soon!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Laney's Birthday!

Laney officially turned 1 year old on September 1st! Is that her actual birthday? We have no idea, but it's probably close to when she was born. We decided to make the weekend all about Laney and try to do all her favorite activities. On Saturday we took her hiking to Mt. Quandary Peak (which she loved!), we put a little shredded cheese in her food, let her sleep on the bed and to wrap up the weekend she had a little birthday party with Wrinkles, complete with cake and gifts! Yes, we admit it's a little over the top, but we love our little Laney!

The cake box from Wag N' Wash- the staff signed it

Peanut butter flavored cake

Birthday presents! (so spoiled!!!)

Sharing cake with Wrinkles

Stealing cake from Wrinkles

Where did my cake go??
Happy 1st Birthday, Laney! We look forward to celebrating many more!

Mt. Quandary

It has been a few weeks since I've posted anything, but we've been busy! This past weekend one of my best friends, Megan, came to visit. The weekend before Craig and I climbed Mt. Quandary and celebrated Laney's birthday!

There are 88 mountain peaks in the US that are 14,000 feet or higher above sea level and there are 53 located in the state of Colorado! Craig has climbed about 3-4 fourteeners since moving to CO and it became a goal of mine to climb at least one (if not more). Two weekends ago I was able to cross it off the list! Mt. Quandary is one of the most accessible fourteeners in the state because the trail head is accessible from the road and the hiking distance is short. It's about a Class 1 in hiking difficulty, which means you don't need any technical climbing skills. The total round trip distance is a little over 6 miles, which means you're gaining a lot of elevation in a short distance...basically you're just walking uphill. The first two miles of the hike were pretty easy, but once you get out of the timberline the trail becomes very rocky. The last 1/2 mile of the trail was straight uphill and super rocky! But we all made it...even Laney! Laney had the most energy out of the three of us.

View on our way up...amazing! And rocky!

Craig at the top

Geo Marker at the peak

Tired Laney after the hike

The food we ate after the hike...well deserved!
Mt. Quandary was a challenging hike even though it was a Class 1, but we definitely plan on hiking more fourteeners before we leave the great state of Colorado!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Remember 9/11

It's hard to believe that the horrific tragedy now known as 9/11 was eleven years ago. I still remember exactly where I was when it happened. I was a senior in high school and I was walking into Mr. Markovitch's Pop Culture class. On a normal day, we would've watched a movie that had some kind of pop culture significance in the 1960s, but on that day we watched the twin towers of the World Trade Center fall to the ground. I literally watched the second plane crash into the second tower and could not believe my eyes.
Craig was a sophomore in high school and in a Sports Media class (I swear we're both fairly intelligent people that took actual classes in HS too). He saw the second plane hit the second tower live on TV as well.

We remember the innocent lives lost during that day and the families that continue to be affected by the aftermath. We remember the soldiers that have lost their lives fighting and the soldiers that continue to fight and serve today.