
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Laney Days- Part 1

I've decided to dedicate a few posts to our pup, Laney, since she's such an important part of our life. We adopted Laney last October and it was kind of on a whim. We knew that we eventually wanted to get a dog at some point, but just didn't know exactly when. When I saw Laney I knew I had to have her! Craig was a bit more apprehensive, but I used my powers of persuasion and convinced him it was a good idea...and boy was it a great idea!

As cute as she is, the first couple months of owning her were tough. Craig and I weren't married yet, so he had total responsibility of her during those early puppy stages. Luckily, he was able to bring her to work with him. I know he had moments where he wanted to punt her out the door (not literally), but in the end all the hard work was totally worth it.

She's still a work in progress, but I can't imagine our little family without her. Laney is a super sweet dog and she has tons of personality. I would probably use the words goofy and weird to describe her because she does some really strange things sometimes. I could go on and on and share a million anecdotes about our crazy dog, but we'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

When we lived in our first apartment she would always sleep next to Craig's backpack

She's only allowed in bed on a few occasions and she absolutely loves it!

So tired after a long day of playing

One of her favorite spots

She only sleeps like that with jealous!

Absolutely loves shoes!!!

Such a lady

She also loves to sleep on pillows and anything plush feeling

Hiding under the bed
 She's our little weirdo, but we totally love her!

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